Send Money With a Credit Card to Dominican Republic and Learn Other Payment Methods Before You Go

>> Thursday, September 16, 2010

Going on a vacation to the Dominican Republic is exciting, but it can be stressful if you do not know what kind of funds to bring. Before you go, it is essential that you learn the best ways to pay for the items you need while there. Find out whether the ability to send money with credit card to Dominican Republic is useful before you go.

The currency in this country is the Dominican peso, and you can exchange your American dollars for pesos at casas de cambio throughout the area. You can also go to a hotel or resort to change money,Swiss Rolex Milguess replica, but expect the worst rates at such places. Just like in most countries, cash is the best type of payment to have on hand here, as long as you have the right form, such as in Dominican pesos. Some retailers might also take American dollars, but you cannot count on that. However, there are other options besides cash, as well.

Not everyone likes to take tons of cash with them into a different country while traveling, and if this describes you, note that it is okay to use another form of payment. For example, traveler's checks may appeal more to you than anything else. Just be sure to have them in small denominations to ensure that you can cash them nearly anywhere.

Many people feel quite comfortable with debit and credit cards while in another country. For such people, it is possible to send money with credit card to Dominican Republic before even going. Just get a prepaid debit card mailed to your current address, find out the PIN, and then add money to it from your bank account for a $5 fee each time. You can then use it to withdraw money in Dominican pesos at any ATM once you arrive, or you can use it at stores that accept cards. Just check that the shop accepts cards with the same logo as your prepaid debit card, such as Visa or MasterCard, and then you know you can use it.

To make sure that you are never stranded without money in another country, you should consider the best payment types to bring. A combination of traveler's checks, American dollars, and a prepaid debit card is usually best. You can then exchange the bulk of your American dollars for Dominican pesos, and withdraw more cash from ATMs using your card if need be. You should be able to purchase items and services from just about anywhere in this country when you learn how to send money with credit card to Dominican Republic.

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Business Invoice Forms - The Perfect Business Tool

Business invoice forms are a critical tool in improving customer relations, which more often than not is the root cause of business longevity or lack thereof. The value of good customer relations cannot be overstated in today's cut throat business environment, one therefore needs to take their time in selecting one of the several available based on their unique requirements.

Business invoice forms not only help in customer relations, but also work wonders for the company's image. Well designed and developed business invoices fulfil multiple purposes. The first is to brand the company. Some if the items one would typically expect to find in an invoice include the company logo, the company name and in some cases its motto. Most invoices are designed in the company colours and styled in the company's unique theme.

The second is likely the more important function served by the company business invoice. This has to do with the company's relations with its customers and goes to the heart of the business transaction.
The invoice sets out details of the transaction in question in terms of the quantity and quality of goods delivered, or the nature of the service provided. It also sets out the terms of the transaction, be it Cash on Delivery,replica Alain Silberstein, or if there was a credit period negotiated. The invoice may also set out the manner in which the obligations are to be discharged i.e. cheque, cash etc. It may also include the amount of tax applicable if any.

Finally, the invoice provides a structured system through which the company can monitor supply of goods and services in relation to the receipt of payments for the same. Whereas it is possible to keep records of supplies and payments in other formats such as Word and Excel, most of these will require that you visit multiple documents to keep track of payments unlike a template which can actually generate reminders when payments are overdue.

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Discounted Travel Programs

Many people would love to see the world through traveling but can not because of the expense. To make travel more accessible, some companies are offering their employees programs that have discounted-travel options. Employee discount travel-programs provide cheaper rates for staff and their families so they can enjoy the excitement of traveling.

Some businesses provide discount-travel as part of their benefits package. The employer works with various travel-agencies to secure special deals for their employees.

So, if a company uses a specific travel-agency for all of their corporate-travel accommodations, the agency may provide select discounts to that company so they can establish an employee travel program.

Those working for a travel agency may reap even greater benefits. Sometimes a travel agency may offer to reimburse its employees travel expenses including,Alain Silberstein, food, intercity travel and hotel rooms.

In some cases, the cost of international calls may also be reimbursed as long as the calls are related to their travel plans. There are some discount travel plans that provide discount coupons to supermarkets and restaurants to help employees to be able to afford to travel as they would like to.

Employees of airlines and railways often receive special travel accommodations, as well. Staff and their family may receive free air and rail tickets to anywhere in they want to go. Railway employees and their immediate families are sometimes upgraded to first class tickets.

Some companies are so committed to providing discounted travel opportunities to their employees that they occasionally become agents. They search out businesses that are looking for to serve travelers by providing discounts and match them with companies looking to offer discounted travel programs to their staff.

Discounted programs can also be a draw for new employees and a way to retain established ones.

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Blind Carbon Copy - How and Why to Use BCC

>> Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Blind Carbon Copy, or BCC, is a little known aid in writing professional looking and etiquette-wise emails to multiple individuals.

Quite simply, Blind Carbon Copy ("Bcc:") is a replacement for Carbon Copy ("Cc:") and multiple "To:" entries that prevents each of the recipients from seeing the other recipient addresses that the email was sent to.

Now, on occasion, you want to use CC so that the recipient of your email is aware that someone else was sent the information also; whether as an implied threat (cc: your supervisor) or to let the recipient know that a mutual correspondent has the information also - no need for them to forward it on. I would dare say that most times, however, that is not the optimal solution.

Here are 4 reasons to use Blind Carbon Copy

  1. A given recipient may not want his/her email address given out to others. This can be for privacy, which they are entitled to, or as a preventative means of reducing their own spam received. (See my article titled "SPAM - 7 Steps to Prevent SPAM".)

    Early e-letter writers had a habit of putting everyone's address in either the "to:" or "cc:" field. Everyone then saw everyone else's address. I know a banker who did this once and had several recipients call his boss demanding his termination (he kept his job but offered an apology). I saw some very interesting names in this list; and I had the opportunity - which I did NOT take - to record their email address.

  2. Conflicting personalities and interests. Either you or a recipient may not want everyone on the list to know there is an affiliation between two or more of the other parties in the recipient list. This might be for business purposes or personal relationships.

  3. Increase readability. Having 10, 20, 30 or more email addresses listed takes more space on the screen when viewing, looks unprofessional, and takes a lot more space if anyone forwards the email without using my advice from my article "Email Etiquette - Making YOU Look Good" to remove to/from info from any forwarded email.

  4. Makes you look like a pro. Even if you are indifferent of others' privacy preference, do it for yourself. It's polite, professional and makes you look good. It could even save your job!

Hopefully you are convinced that Blind Carbon Copy is a tool you should use at least some of the time.

Here is HOW to use Blind Carbon Copy

First, address the email to yourself. A blank "To:" field might work also, but some servers will view such an email as spam (same goes for a blank subject). And resist the desire to put multiple addresses in the "To:" field unless you KNOW that they all correspond with each other currently,Chronoswiss replica, and it will NOT cause any problems among the recipients. Even then, "Bcc:" is just safer.

Second, bypass the "Cc:" field and choose "Bcc". Here's how in three popular email programs:

  • Outlook - Select "View" from the menu, then click "BCC Field".

  • Outlook Express - Select "View" from the menu, then select "All Headers".

  • Thunderbird - Click the dropdown arrow where it says "To:" and select "Bcc:" instead. With Thunderbird, I believe it's Ok to skip the "To:" entry as Thunderbird will fill in with "". If you don't want anyone to know that multiple addresses were included, just put your own email address in the "To:" field and just indicate that this is your normal procedure if anyone asks.

Finally, type in a meaningful subject and create the email as you would any other. Click send and they're off.

Easy enough, isn't it? I suggest making Blind Carbon Copy the standard method of sending emails and only using regular Carbon Copy when that's really what you want; and rarely, if ever, using multiple "To:" entries.

Look like a pro, feel like a pro, and avoid potential problems with this valuable email technique.

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Phone Vs. Email- Which is Better for Conducting Online Business-

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How do you conduct your internet business? There are two primary types of communicators as far as I can see: the emailers and the phone callers. What category do you fall under?

I am an emailer. I find email to be incredibly handy for the following reasons:

- It doesn't encumber upon people's schedules

- Conversation trail is easily traceable

- Email is more direct with less BS (assuming that both parties have a knack for written communication tho I realize that's not always the case)

Are you a phone call person? Yes, it's true... sometimes a phone call is necessary to "firm up the deal." Many marketers also enjoy getting together for coffee or lunch if proximity allows. If you currently have several individuals working for you, then taking some time out for lunch meetings and extended phone calls is not such a big deal. But if you're tiny and just starting out, being away from the desk can be dangerous! You may wish for a way to dodge those precious time-zappers and keep the excess communication to a miniumum.

Which is the shortest distance to the the main agenda... is it phone, or is it in fact email? How does an Emailer deal with a Non-emailer? Are these types of people simply not meant to do business together? Or can they reach a communication compromise? Let's see what these internet marketers had to say on the matter:

"When I first started using email I did a test. I had a vendor who liked everything emailed instead of taking calls. I didn't tell him I was testing so we planned our project through email, although it was very frustrating for me. For the next similar project, I asked him to deal with me on the phone. The results? The same basic project that we worked on was pulled together in about 15 minutes on the phone but the emailed version took one week!!

I am able to cover in a half hour on the phone what would take days to accomplish with email. To me the grueling task of actually conversing by typing is beyond my comprehension and I can't believe people really do this. It is not at all time effective and there is no immediate feedback. In fact... I wish I could just put an Instant Audio clip on here for you." :-)

- Marilyn Jenett,

"I tell my clients, 'I appreciate all this information you are providing. Can you send it via email (or whatever) so I can have a copy for future referrence?'

However, this may backfire. I've had several situations where I took the time to write everything in an email or fax (whichever they've requested), and the person on the other end only looked at the first few lines before adding their input. I had to once tell a person to call me back only after completely reading my fax. The reason being was that her 'underlings' made me fax the info, instead of talking to her in the first place. Making the person send you an email, and then ignoring half of it will just encourage him/her to call in the future, instead of emailing."

- Angelo Cerase, Advent Financial Group -

"My solution to this problem is to allow the conversation to go for a couple of minutes, and then say 'Joe, I have to leave for a meeting. Could you send me a note that covers all of this, so that I don't forget it? Thanks! I gotta go!' Then I hang up.

If they're serious, they'll send me an email or a letter. If they don't send anything and just call me back later, I tell them I forgot about their earlier call, and then go through the routine again. It works for me!"

- Kurt Schweitzer, [] - Helping family caregivers correct, avoid, or cope with behavior problems in dementia patients

So it seems that no matter which mode of communication you prefer to do business, two rules apply:

1. Be aware of the other person's valuable time. Stick to the agreed topic, and avoid talking too long and veering from the primary subjectmatter.

2. Be assertive in getting what you want out of the call or email. If you find that the other party is digressing,Swiss Rolex Daytona, politely help them to get back on track. And when negotiation-time comes around... ALWAYS get it in writing!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Special Article - How to Generate Quick Cash in Emergencies

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Are you in debt or there is a particular need that requires you to get money as fast as possible? Then read this article carefully to discover how I literally generate money out of thin air.

The method I will show you here was responsible for generating $6,300 in just 3 weeks. Don't believe, read on.

Something happened to me last year. The first time it happened, it was due to the fact that I lost money to HYIPs and that led me to discover a lot of quick money making ideas.

The second time it happened, it was my junior brother who was in need of some money. When he came to me,Rolex Sea Dweller replica, I had to pick one out of the methods I knew about to generate the money that was needed.

The first method was brought to my attention by Jimmy D. Brown. The only thing is that only people with lists can use this method. So that got me to the third method.

The third method is all about niche marketing. This method is very effective and anybody can use it to generate money in a flash but some steps must be monitored.

What is this method all about?

I believe you know that there are problems all over the place and people are willing to pay money for the solutions to the problems.

Your own task is to identify a particular problem facing a lot of people that you can help them solve.

The funny thing is that the answer must not come from you because there will be a lot of topics that you can easily pick and work on even though you know nothing about them.
With the internet, this is a piece of cake. The next thing you would now do is to know where the people with these problems normally group themselves.

Also, this can be done easily with the help of the internet.

The next stage is getting the solution to their problems. This aspect is also very easy with a lot of experts online that can help.

All you have to do is to know how to get in touch with them so that they will help you.

You can now go ahead to package this solutions into a beautiful format that will have people salivating for it.

But there is a last aspect that most people usually fail at and this has to with presenting your product to the people who need it.

If you learn the original tactics used by me and a lot of others, you will have these people begging you with their money. This is not a gimmick. It is what happens over and over.

To summarize, this method is in 4 parts which are:

1. Find a problem that eagerly needs to be solved.

2. Find the people with that problem.

3. Find the solution to the problem and package it.

4. Offer it to the people who need it.

I believe this article has helped.

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Online Flower Delivery Service

>> Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Flowers, which woman doesn't love flowers? Especially if it is an unexpected gift from a loved one. Sending flowers is something that happens around the world daily. It is no wonder that flower delivery is one of the most searched keywords on the Internet. Research shows that every five minutes or less someone somewhere is sending flowers. The Internet has made it so much easier to do then years before when you would have to physically go in to the floral shop to place your orders. There are probably a lot of people that still like to go into the floral store to pick out specific flowers, vases and to hand sign the card.

Buying flowers over the Internet however has its advantages as well. Some people do not have the time to go into a flower shop so the Internet saves you time. When shopping for flower online you also may get a wider variety of flowers. Sometimes flowers that are out of season can be purchased online. Another plus to ordering flowers online is that there is usually a discounted priced or a deal that saves you money. The ease of ordering online makes shopping for flowers a breeze.

Shopping for flowers should be a pleasant experience; there are many different options to fit anyone's budget. A lot of times free shipping is offered as well. If you shop online for flower, you can often get same day delivery or next day delivery if needed. Online shopping makes picking floral arrangements out easy. Most online flower delivery companies have several different arrangements options and you can choose to add balloons, candy, stuff animals and cards to your gift.

Flowers make a great gift that can be sent to offices, schools and basically anywhere with a valid address. Whichever way you choose to send your flowers you most likely will get the same response. People love receiving flowers as gifts. Most people are surprised when the delivery is made because they are not expecting to receive flowers so it is a wonderful surprise. Sending flowers is a great way to let that special someone know that you are thinking about them. Whether you are sending flowers because of a special occasion or simply just want to surprise your loved ones, sending flowers will always make that persons day. No matter what the occasion, flowers make a great gift that will make someone feel extra special.

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Buy Flowers Online

The Sheer mention of flowers brings beautiful emotions to the minds of people. Flowers are known to please the moods of people. Flowers make your surrounding pleasing and fill the atmosphere with freshness and fragrance. Gifting flowers to friends and relatives is an ancient old practice. Even today, no occasion is complete without the presence of flowers. You can see flowers even at a death ritual. However, types of flowers are different at celebration and at mourning. Flowers can be said as the living creation of art. It takes lot of planning and effort to create beautiful flowers in your garden.

You can enjoy the beauty of flowers even if you do not have garden. You can buy them from a florist and arrange them in a vase. You can place that vase anywhere like on the centre table or in the corner table. Traditionally, all of us go to the florist shop for buying flowers. However,rolex watches, in this age of internet, online shopping has provided great convenience even if you want to buy fresh flowers for your home or for gifting it to your friends.

Technology has offered lots of methods of shopping for saving time and effort. There are lots of online florists who offer reliable service to deliver fresh flowers. You can select flowers of your choice and arrangement from the large collection displayed on the website.

This is the miracle of technology, communication and fast transport that you can purchase and obtain an exotic flower; say growing in Mexico and having it in India and that too in minimum possible time. Of course travelling part of the flowers needs great care to keep them in shape and as fresh as they are cut.

Buying flowers online offers another advantage also. As there is large number of online florists, you have great choices about selection of flowers, their quality, services offered by the florists and the price range. The choice of flowers is overwhelming. If you do not like the collection or arrangement of a particular florist, you can contact another. It is like going to a florist souk where there are hundreds of florist's shops together.

With online shopping, you can buy flowers only at a click within the comfort of your home or office. It not only saves your time and efforts but also offers great price choice for equally attractive flowers. Next time, if you want to gift a bouquet to your beloved who is on tour to different country, just go to online florist shops.

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The Perfect Christmas Or Birthday Gift - The Four Top Gift Ideas - Italian Style

I live in Italy and many friends who don't often ask me what would be the perfect gift to give with an Italian theme. Something to give to a friend who really loves Italy and if you don't have such a friend why not treat yourself.

It used to really get me thinking but now after all these years I know the answer so without to much further ado here is my selection of the four gifts that no one who loves Italy should do without:

1) Italy is all about good food so a good cookery book has to be top of the list, something authentic,Replica watch, with great photos and beautifully written. I have a list of the best of these at the bottom of the page. They will have you longing to jump on the next plane to Italy.

2) Still on the book theme - a great coffee table book on Italy or something slightly out of the ordinary. The Lead Goat Veered Off is an example of the latter and Autumn in Piedmont is a good example of the first.

3) Shoes - out of all the fashion items Italy makes Italy's shoes are in a class of their own. Buy a pair of handmade Italian shoes and you will never wear anything else again

4) For those who live in Europe and want a romantic gift for someone special then nothing can beat a weekend in Venice or on Lake Orta. Two of the most romantic places on earth.

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Online Shopping Guide - Now is the Best Time to Choose Interesting Gift Ideas For Him Or Her

>> Friday, September 3, 2010

Too often we fall into a rut of unoriginal thinking. Trouble is, the gift idea that was so well received a few years ago starts to get boring. After all, there are only so many times you can give someone a fragrance gift selection box, aren't there? To find interesting and unusual gifts for men or woman can be fun if you inject some creative twists to ordinary gifts. For those who seem to have trouble finding interesting gifts,replica rolex, we have listed some really distinctive yet interesting gifts that we come across during our online search.

Ideas For Interesting And Unusual Romantic Gifts

One of the most revered and popular flowers ever is the rose. Roses are incredibly versatile flowers that come in myriad colors such as red roses, blue roses, purple roses or white roses. They make great gifts for any occasion especially anniversary, wedding and valentine's day. However, roses can be made into interesting and unusual gifts if they are preserved in 24k gold, silver or platinum and come with "I Love You" imprinted on the rose petals! Tell someone you love them, want them, need them, think they are beautiful or feel gratitude for them with the 11" I Love You roses. You will instantly know that you have made an interesting choice.

Interesting And Unusual Fun Gifts

Looking for unusual fun birthday gifts for him or her? Check up the current craze of illuminating t-shirts and other cool and funny t-shirt designs being offered from this website. Our pick for interesting and unusual t-shirts is the EQ Equalizer and Sound Responsive T-shirts. These t-shirts have eye-popping graphics that responds to the rhythem, frequency and beat of the music and light up without having to use light bulbs.

Another interesting and unusual fun gifts is the tattoo sleeve or tattoo inspired clothing. The Tribal design tattoo sleeves and Celtic design tattoo sleeves are great slip-on fashion accessories for him or her. They do not leave any permanent marks like the real thing and he or she has the option of changing their punk, goth or even urban looks regularly! See what happens when you choose interesting Full body tattoo shirts for him or her.

Interesting And Unusual Gifts For Woman

Customized photo totes and bags are perfect gift for mom, wife, girlfriend, sister, aunt and even your mother-in-law for all kind of occasions. The 3 steps to customize bags online and turn them into interesting and unique gifts are extremely easy even for non-internet-savvy people. For personalized photo bags; you can have your choice of bags for woman (or man) from the various stylish collection. A custom tote bag, handbag, cosmetic bag could make for an interesting and unusual birthday present. You can easily transform ordinary bags into a matchless masterpiece which your gift recipients will greatly appreciate!

Interesting And Creative Ways To Wrap Gifts

On the internet, you can also discover creative ways to wrap gifts which you will never find yourself doing it! If you are always looking for subtle ways to package your gifts or creative ways to surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with your gifts, secret book boxes are creative ways you can wrap your gifts and by itself, they are interesting gift ideas too.

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The Most Wanted and Best Selling Girls Dolls For This Christmas

The best girl's dolls are always one of those aspects of the toy industry that seems to be popular all of the time, regardless of fashions, and so girl's dolls are always a fantastic idea for Christmas gifts. As with many other kinds of toys at present, there is an ever growing interest in girl's dolls that are interactive in some way, be it with sounds and movement or crying and wetting themselves.

That said,replicas rolex, there is still a sizeable demand for toys that aren't packed with interactive features. It could be argued that it will be these regular style dolls that will stand the test of time and become much loved toys for years to come, as they can sometimes tend to be more durable and less prone to breaking.

Then again, there are some truly entertaining and educational interactive dolls out there this year. Some of the names you'll discover on the best sellers lists include the famous Baby Born dolls, Princess Rosella toys, Baby Annabell, Chou Chou and lots of other dolls for young girls, such as the adorable Corolle dolls that are available in a variety of styles.

Traditional dolls are represented well by the ever popular Barbie range, including the wonderfully enchanting range of Barbie Three Musketeers dolls based on the popular Barbie And The Three Musketeers DVD movie. There are also Barbie Princess Rosella dolls available that are causing a stir with fans this year. Madame Alexander dolls are a great idea for the fan of more traditional dolls too.

Twilight Barbie dolls are also getting a lot of attention from fans of the books and movies, as are the high quality Twilight dolls by Tonner. For fans of Hannah Montana and High School Musical, there are once again great dolls available based on these top titles. There are great girl's doll toys available for every taste this Christmas!

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Best Wishes With the Wow Factor

Just what kind of greetings card has the power to make us say 'wow!? It would have to be something pretty special! Think for a moment about all the greetings cards you've received in the past. You'll probably find a few are memorable, perhaps a special boxed card for your 18th, or your first Valentine. Sadly, despite their lovely designs, most cards go largely unremembered. However, there is a new range of Personalised Cards that really is bringing the wow factor into those special occasions and leaving friends and relatives with a greeting to remember for years to come.

Now and again we stumble across a beautiful card with a stunning picture on the front that looks good enough to frame. But lo and behold, it's for the 'sister-in-law' or the 'second cousin twice removed' that we just don't have! How you wish you could remove those words on the front, and add your own for the appropriate person. Well now you can! Personalised Cards allow you to write not only the name of your friend or loved one on the front, but your own appropriate greeting inside. No longer do you have to conform to the words of the greetings card industry! Wow!

Cute and Cuddly Personalised Cards
If you're the sort of person who gravitates towards those gorgeous teddies and cute and cuddly pups, why not personalise the cutest of cards to make that special impact on your little sister, your girlfriend or your mum? Cuddly bears, kissable kittens and fluffy bunnies are not only irresistible, they also really know how to say it well, whether it is happy birthday, sorry, thank you or I love you. You can choose to have your message printed inside, or leave it blank and hand write your own meaningful message. The best thing is the wow factor, when they see their own name printed right across the front!

Personalised Cards For Every Occasion
The great thing is there are personalised cards for every occasion, so you don't even have to wait until someone's birthday to spread the wow factor. Want to say thank you to someone who has helped you out? Say it with an eye-catching flowerpots design. Know someone who has just passed their driving test? There's a cute card to help you say congratulations. And when a friend has just given birth to a baby, they'll certainly appreciate the wow factor when they see their newborn's name spread across a cute congratulations card. You can also wish a friend good luck for a trip. If you know someone who's off on a skiing trip, why not write their name across a bright blue sky in clouds,Rolex replica, with an avid skier in the foreground, to inspire them to take to the slopes!

Wow! My Name across the New York Skyline!
The sky is certainly the limit when you can write a name anywhere, which is what personalised cards allow you to do! These cards can be sent for any occasion, depending on the limits of your own imagination. There are a thousand different ways to display your name, whether it be written in autumn leaves on a tranquil pond, sprawled across the top of a huge sports stadium or in chocolate sauce on the side of an irresistible looking pud. This gives you the freedom to use your own imagination and decide on the occasion you want to celebrate. Maybe your best friend has just lost two stone after an arduous diet and exercise regime, and deserves to at least see that chocolate pud with her name on it, even though she can't eat it!

Wooing with the Wow Factor
The great news is with personalised cards, you no longer have to wait till Valentine's Day to woo the man or woman of your dreams! The right words can lead to romance at any time of year if you say them in the right way. Perhaps you've made a mistake and need to say sorry? Well in this case there's a card that lets you say you're really really sorry, and officially admit that you're an arse - just what she wants you to say! When it's time to move your relationship on and suggest your next meal might be breakfast together, there's a card with love-heart shaped fried eggs on toast, which will not only tempt your partner to the breakfast table but to the bedroom too. And when you're feeling extra romantic, why not write your girlfriend's name in rose petals strewn on the bed - after all, there are personalised cards that let you do just that, without having to get the vacuum cleaner out afterwards!

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