The Perfect Christmas Or Birthday Gift - The Four Top Gift Ideas - Italian Style

>> Sunday, September 5, 2010

I live in Italy and many friends who don't often ask me what would be the perfect gift to give with an Italian theme. Something to give to a friend who really loves Italy and if you don't have such a friend why not treat yourself.

It used to really get me thinking but now after all these years I know the answer so without to much further ado here is my selection of the four gifts that no one who loves Italy should do without:

1) Italy is all about good food so a good cookery book has to be top of the list, something authentic,Replica watch, with great photos and beautifully written. I have a list of the best of these at the bottom of the page. They will have you longing to jump on the next plane to Italy.

2) Still on the book theme - a great coffee table book on Italy or something slightly out of the ordinary. The Lead Goat Veered Off is an example of the latter and Autumn in Piedmont is a good example of the first.

3) Shoes - out of all the fashion items Italy makes Italy's shoes are in a class of their own. Buy a pair of handmade Italian shoes and you will never wear anything else again

4) For those who live in Europe and want a romantic gift for someone special then nothing can beat a weekend in Venice or on Lake Orta. Two of the most romantic places on earth.

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